A Human-First Approach to Innovation

Many assume that the spark of innovation begins with a solution idea. However, the true path to success lies in starting with the people you aim to serve. By deeply understanding the needs and desires of your target audience first, you can tailor solutions that resonate powerfully. This approach transforms innovation from a gamble to a strategic advantage. 

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About HCI System

Unlock the power of the HCI System by first uncovering the hidden or unaddressed needs of a specific group. Dive deep to truly grasp the solution experience they crave. Then, collaboratively design a solution alongside your target audience, refining it through iterative feedback. Finally, roll out your solution step by step, ensuring it aligns perfectly with their needs. Embrace the HCI System and revolutionize your approach to innovation!

The Origins of HCI System

The Origins of the HCI System

They did not use the Human-Centric Innovation (HCI) name, but Clayton Christensen and Anthony Ulwick were among the first to talk about this approach.

Solution-First or Human-First?

Solution-First or Human-First?

Throughout history, innovation initiatives have typically followed one of two distinct paths. One of the two is often deemed more challenging and perilous. 

Here’s Why Human-Centric Innovation Is Necessary

Even a great idea or mission can be crippled by design that doesn’t put people first. Why should human considerations—such as their needs, wants, and dreams—only come into the conversation later? By centering empathy and understanding in design research, companies can both reduce risk in the idea-generating stage and ensure people are at the heart of the process, write senior partners Ewan Duncan and Kevin Neher from McKinsey.

Mckinsey & Company