Unlock the power of the HCI System in 10 steps!

The Human-Centric Innovation (HCI) System aims addressing authentic human needs through a systematic process. Here’s how it unfolds:

Identify a Valuable Need

HCI starts by pinpointing a significant need within a community. While some believe that determining such a need is a straightforward job, in reality, it’s quite the opposite. Many needs are covert and discovering these covert needs can be more daunting than devising solutions for them. Additionally, needs vary in importance and urgency. Assessing a need’s value entails evaluating its importance, urgency, and the consumption potential of a possible solution. Truly understanding these intricacies of a need is a complex endeavor.


Have you determined a need that a group of people cannot fully meet?

Not Sure! Yes!


Does the need at your hand worth creating a solution?

Not Sure! Yes!


Do all stakeholders agree on the need to be addressed and its significance?

Not Sure! Yes!

Clarify boundaries of your innovation initiative

Understand the Desired Experience

Once a valuable need is identified, the next stage is understanding the experience the target audience seeks in relation to that need. Human needs are complex. They have functional, emotional, and social facets. Various dynamics come into play throughout the journey of fulfilling a need, from its emergence to the aftermath of its fulfillment. Acquiring a deep understanding of the desired experience along this journey enables innovators to strategize how to deliver this experience effectively. This envisioned experience then serves as the guiding beacon for innovation efforts.


Do you know what kind of experience your target audience desires in relation to the specific need you are addressing?

Not Sure! Yes!


Have you considered the desires and concerns of other key stakeholders besides the target audiance?

Not Sure! Yes!

Look through a wider angle lens

Design the Total Solution

The term “total solution” is used to refer both to the solution itself and how it’s produced and delivered. Elements related to delivering the solution include activities like establishing relationships with the target audience, devising pricing strategies, and delivering the solution. The delivery model should be consistent with the solution, and both should be designed to meet the desired experience. While designing the solution, starting with the desired experience is essential. Once you understand what the desired solution alternatives look like, you can then work on their technical and economic aspects. The total solution becomes a guaranteed success when it aligns with the desired experience and is also technologically feasible and economically viable. However, real human-centricity demands one more thing: your solution should also have a minimal ecological footprint. Neglecting the environment means neglecting the well-being of people now and in the future. Therefore, truly human-centric solutions care well-being of people and take their environmental impact into account.


Do all stakeholders agree on what a good solution looks like?

Not Sure! Yes!

Develop a vision for the ideal solution
Take current brand essence (if any) into account


Is there a total solution candidate that is already aligned with your solution vision?

Not Sure! Yes!


Is your total solution desirable, feasible, viable, and ecological?

Not Sure! Yes!

Check feasibility
  • Rapid (Minimum Viable) Prototype
Check viability
  • Financial Simulation
  • Rapid (Minimum Viable) Prototype
Check ecological sustainability?
  • Ecological Impact Assessment

Roll Out the Total Solution Incrementally

With a well-defined solution blueprint in hand, implementation becomes more straightforward. A roadmap can be crafted by working backward from the blueprint. While the design sets a clear direction, it remains flexible. As the innovation challenge progresses, new insights might be gained, requiring changes to the solution design. Due to high uncertainties in innovation activities, it’s preferable to build and deliver the solution in phases. Starting small and expanding incrementally only after validating previous efforts is critical for success.


Are you able to start by keeping initial investment and operational costs low?

Not Sure! Yes!

Focus on minimum requirements
  • Minimum Viable Solution Planning


Are you able to build the total solution incrementally and review it based on performance?

Not Sure! Yes!

Apply the agile approach
  • Scrum
Monitor the performance of your innovation initiative
  • Innovation Accounting