Force Field Mapping

This tool helps to visualize the forces that shape the target audience's behavior in the context under investigation. It provides a good starting point to discuss what is needed to change the current behavior of the target audience to the desired behavior.
Force Field Map

How It Works?


Step 1

List the Forces Influencing the Audience

You should make this map separately for each persona. Based on the insights gained during the field research phase, list all the tangible and intangible factors that influence the user's behavior in the context under review. Tangibles can be a number of technical and financial factors. Intangibles can be thoughts, feelings and beliefs.

As an example, let's imagine that you are working on a target audience, who are middle-aged white collars with a busy work schedule and mostly live in small apartments in metropolitan areas with a small family. You notice that this group likes fried food but does not prepare any fried food at home. What can be the forces that hinder them from frying at home? A research in the past showed that these forces play an important roles: Having a small or unsuitable kitchen, not having time to prepare food at home, the fact that frying takes a long time, their beliefs about health hazards of frying... Also consider the forces that favor the behavior you are focusing on.
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