Question Storming

The way you articulate a problem significantly influences the approach you take to solve it. Embracing a questioning mindset about the problem itself, irrespective of its immediate answerability, allows for a multifaceted examination of the issue and the possibility of redefining it. This approach helps break free from cognitive patterns molded by past experiences, a notable obstacle to creativity. Consequently, it opens the door to unforeseen creative solutions that might not have been apparent initially.

How It Works?


Step 1

Make Preparation

Assemble a diverse team and share foundational information: Form a team that includes individuals with varying perspectives, even those not directly connected to the study topic. Briefly share relevant research findings, ensuring the information sparks curiosity. Highlight the significance of the study topic, mentioning key opportunities and constraints. The advantage of involving outsiders in question storming is their ability to pose seemingly absurd yet insightful questions, revealing fundamental assumptions.

Emphasize the non-judgmental nature of questioning: Establish a principle that questions should not be judged or immediately answered. Remind the team of this principle at the study's outset. Reinforce it if necessary, especially when working with experts deeply familiar with the topic.
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