Six Thinking Hats

The Six Thinking Hats technique, developed by Edward de Bono, offers a structured and comprehensive method for evaluating and refining ideas. It facilitates discussions by enabling participants to consider different perspectives one at a time, thereby enhancing effectiveness and minimizing conflicts.

How It Works?


Step 1

Explanation of Six Thinking Hats

Each hat symbolizes a distinct stage in the discussion, with participants adopting a specific point of view at each stage. The facilitator guides the transition between phases based on the group's dynamics.
  • Blue Hat (Management Phase): Determine the hat to be used and address questions such as: What progress have we made? What should be our next steps?
  • White Hat (Information Phase): Present factual data objectively and inquire about the completeness and reliability of available information.
  • Yellow Hat (Optimistic Evaluation Phase): Evaluate the positive aspects and potential opportunities of the idea. Identify its benefits and the beneficiaries, seeking logical support for these.
  • Black Hat (Pessimistic Evaluation Stage): Highlight potential difficulties, weaknesses, risks, and constraints associated with the idea. Identify obstacles and potential adverse effects.
  • Green Hat (Creativity Phase): Generate solutions to address the challenges identified by the black hat. Propose innovative ideas and explore alternatives.
  • Red Hat (Emotional Stage): Share feelings and intuitions about the idea without requiring concrete justification. Acknowledge emotions such as fear, anger, or excitement and observe their influence.
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