The Human-Centric Innovation (HCI) system aims addressing authentic human needs through a systematic process. Here's how it unfolds: Identifying a Valuable Need: HCI starts by pinpointing a significant need within a community. While some believe that determining such...
Solution-First or Human-First?
Throughout history, innovation initiatives have typically followed one of two distinct paths. Some begin with a solution, imagining its potential to fulfill a specific need. The others commence with recognizing an unmet need of a target audience and then crafting...
The Origins of the HCI System
They did not use the Human-Centric Innovation (HCI) name, but Clayton Christensen and Anthony Ulwick were among the first to talk about this approach. In 2003, in his book called The Innovator's Solution, Clayton outlines the HCI approach. Anthony Ulwick also...
Why is Obsessing About Ideas not a Good Idea?
The first thing that organizations interested in innovation, do is to implement an idea management system. These systems aim to gather numerous solution ideas from all stakeholders, but mostly from employees, and then reach attractive ideas through a step-by-step...
Basic Concepts: Types of Innovation
In various sources, you'll find that innovations are categorized in different ways. Some criteria for classification include the application area of the innovation, the magnitude of its impact, the novelty of the technology used, or the degree to which the targeted...
Basic Concepts: Innovation, Invention, Creativity
Innovation, creativity, and invention... If you're reading this book, you must have heard all of these terms. They may seem similar, but each carries a distinct meaning. What comes to your mind when you think of innovation? How is it different from invention? And what...